It’s all your brother, Arian!

It’s painful. Large Headache! I can’t control it.

5 min readJul 15, 2023

… Continued from the last part

An AI Generated image showing boy looking at sky, just like Arian in the story. There is an complete pink tint on the image and eyes are sparkling with shade of pink. Boy looks all calm while holding such a power.
Why are his eyes like that? (An AI-generated image)

Suddenly, he was able to sense some other emotions and he was sure that it was a different feeling and it was not even from Shivley. He was sensing swiftness and panic. He had been looking around the room because he was aware of someone’s presence near him. Then he heard someone calling his name. “Irle…”, it was a very familiar voice. He looked at the door of that lab room and was astonished.

It was none other than Madam Gee, his and Arian’s caretaker. “Irle, come fast! We need to go.”, Madam Gee shouted at him. He was surprised to see her there and analyzed maybe because Gee, Dr. Shively had turned into some subliminal state. She was always a benevolent lady and always stayed out of issues that weren’t her concern. She was conservative. She also restricted Arian and Irle from getting into any fight. But seeing Gee holding Shivley back is a shocker to Irle. He was very curious, about how someone could control others too, without any weapon. “Are you out of your mind? Irle, we have to get away from here soon!”, she shouted again.

“Yes, Madam Gee.” He searched for something. He took some medicines from the table and joined Gee. While going back, he observed his bag near the counter. Everybody around looks happy, smiling, and thinking about something. But none of them were moving. It was extraordinary. Irle can sense everyone’s delight but it’s like everyone has been feeling the same. But he couldn’t perceive any sign of glee in Gee, yet she was smiling. She was just in a rush and nervous. He took his bag and asked Gee, “How did you get to know that I was being held here? You seem scared. How are you able to do this?”

“It’s a long story and who said I’m scared! I’m not scared.” She said confidently and tried to suppress her agitation. She added, “What am I doing? Trying to save you from her!”

“You are lying. I can grasp your fear and fastness. How can you control everyone and Shivley?”

Gee was confused but not completely shocked. “Do you think that it’s time for all this talk? Let’s just get out of here, Arian is waiting for us outside. I don’t know how much more time he can provide us.”

“Arian, providing us time!!”

“Yes! I’m not doing anything. It’s all your brother, Arian! He is sustaining all of them.”

“Today is like a bizarre dream. I still can’t believe this is all real.”

“You still don’t know many things. I’ll explain everything to you on the way.” he felt her tension.

Strangely, Shivley told him the same thing that he doesn’t know many things and she would explain them to him.

“There he is, Arian!” Gee said pointing at Arain.

Arian was standing there facing the sky. Irle recognized his joy and calmness. It’s precisely what he felt with Shivley and others. Now he got to know what Madam Gee meant when she said It’s his brother who is sustaining all of them. When he observed him close his eyes turned pinkish.

“What’s happening to him? He looks happy but there is some weird pain he is dealing with. Why are his eyes like that?” Irle asked Madam.

“Remember those recent weird dreams your brother Arian used to have, they had a meaning. It’s all she. I warned her not to do anything crazy with you. I thought he would never try it on you guys. But they did and I got to know it now. Have you felt something weird?”

“I’m not getting what you’re saying! What was Shivley doing to us? You warned her about what? She says, she is my aunt, is she? Why are you helping us? What’s happening with me?” There is sudden silence. Irle was scared and confused. He was not understanding anything and it was driving him crazy. His head is paining again and this time more rapidly. He just tried to calm himself, but this time he couldn’t. He could take a deep breath and it wasn’t sufficient as the pain was intense. It’s like he was about to burst. Gee was there, observing his anxious behavior. She understood that something was not okay.

“What’s happening, Irle? Why are you holding your head? Why are you asking about Shivley? Are you ok…”

“It’s painful. Large Headache! I can’t control it. Ahh……” He screamed like hell. His scream affected Gee and she started to wimp. Suddenly she was crying. “Stop it! Irle, please stop it. What are you doing to me!”

Irle’s scream affected Arian and Arian started mourning. Arian’s happiness turned into anxiety and his happy dream suddenly turned into a dark one. As soon as this happened everybody who was standing still and enjoying the dream started to scream as if they saw their death. Arian was able to understand it, someone was controlling his emotions. It’s like imposing their feelings on him just like he had been thrusting people’s minds to dream his calm and clear visions. But suddenly he could focus again. The tension in the rope is released and Arian’s dream is turning into a happy one, once again. Gee could able to control herself. Meanwhile, Irle had become unconscious, again!

Gee closed her eyes and whispered in Arian’s ear “I guess just like you, your elder brother has something unusual. But he is unconscious now. Let’s go from here soon.”Ma’am, Let’s go! I’ll still be dreaming so that we can escape from this whole place soon. Don’t let Irle’s mental chaos control him. Try to keep him calm. I’m not sure whether I’ll be able to help you soon. Because this whole thing has completely drained me.” She envisioned Arian telling this to her.

Madam Gee became active and meanwhile Arian was still dreaming. She managed to shift unconscious Irle and also pushed subconscious Arian into the van. After a while, Arian thought of reliving those people. Also, he is not sure how far he can control them. But before he returned to the conscious world, he analyzed some different sets of dream waves near him. He got to know that Irle was dreaming something, so he tried to peek into his subconscious. Arian saw a location that he felt he had seen already, but he wasn’t sure where and what that location was.

Will be continued…

I’m writing again after a whole year. I’ve not planned these stories, I’m writing these just in time (Because I want it to be an experiment, where my story will grow with me and my changing perspective). The story is building into something, I hope you all will like it. Thank you, stay tuned!




Put ‘Fun’ in Funeral |Creative Writer✍🖊 | Mech. Engineer | Selenophile