‘Ordered’ Chaos

The existence of lawlessness in this mannerly ordered universe

4 min readSep 30, 2021

Welcome to the ‘World of Imaginations’. It’s not only our destination but also the journey within! As said, here is an amazing article. Read and Enjoy!

A Sticker of a lady, which says “it was her chaos that made her beautiful”
Let’s use our imperfections to make us perfect!

Universe’s consciousness

Let’s begin with a question, Who are we? Of course Humans! With thousands of abilities and a lot of intelligence. But the question remains the same, who are we? Who am I, who are you? I prefer to answer it in a more general way. We are a consciously living part of the universe and like all the other things around us, we are also the universe itself. My next question; What is the Universe? The universe is a reality where we live, which formed itself as an order or symmetry. Does it sound too much? So more or less what I wanted to say is, We are the universe’s consciousness. Hope I answered it well! Let’s dig more and find the roots. Before the universe (or say before the Big Bang) there must have been something that existed, right!? The answer seems ambiguous. In many myths, folklore, and religions, it’s believed that there was nothing but emptiness in the beginning. Nothingness was full of symmetrical asymmetry, which comprised all the realities and it is known as ‘Chaos’. What exactly is Chaos? Some call it the true order of the universe and so many others refer to it as a disorder! Okay, let’s not get confused. Generally, Chaos is a state of utter confusion. A state of being blank.

Mental Chaos

Let’s continue, after the Big Bang and everything we know came into existence, did the ‘nothingness’ go away? No! Bedlam still exists and that’s what drives the whole universe. Science measures this turmoil as Entropy. Entropy is a measure of randomness and is more like currency for the growth of the universe. The entropy of the universe always increases. Maybe, now you might agree with me, about the existence of lawlessness in this mannerly ordered universe. Does that sound too scientific or too mythical? Okay Fine! Let’s deal with this Chaos in a much simpler way. Now that we know what the universe is, and also know the meaning of chaos, Let’s talk about their roles in our lives. Let’s think about how we live. Yes, you heard the question right! How do we live? Of Course by breathing, eating, responding, and reproducing. But the most essential is our responses to the environment i.e., Our consciousness.

Well, we are aware that Consciousness is directly related to our electro-neuro-chemical complex organ called ‘Brain’. Oh no! Again I went back to scientific references. Okay coming back to the topic, our brain, it’s so complex and complicated. I think that if Someone has created us(say God) then we are the most perfect and most anticipated beings of the creator. Yeah, it’s quite anthropocentric but it’s what I think. Just look at us and the capabilities we have! Hope you agree with me, at least a little bit! We observe, think, learn, listen, and do many things all because of our Brain. This complex organ not only controls us physically but it’s the center for all mental capabilities. Are you Getting where we are heading towards?? Yes!! I’m talking about the mind and mental aspects. Let me give you an example. One of my friends was preparing for a medical entrance exam and the fact was he already failed twice. It was a bit stressful as his family is counting on him very hard this time and at the same time, he is dealing with a breakup. Yeah, it was really hard for him to forget about the person he dated for 3–4 years straight. It started to affect his studies and even his physical routine. He became a little anxious and more depressed. I didn’t know how to console him at that time. Yet, I tried and somehow he is still trying to cope up with everything. It’s not only in a bad situation, even when everything’s going right, we feel stressed sometimes and can’t handle ourselves. So, it’s stress and tensions that will create some imbalance. Now I’m going to connect all the bits. As said earlier Chaos exists everywhere, even in the ordered Universe. Hence, according to me, this mental imbalance we deal with in our ‘so perfect yet complex’ brain, is nothing but a form of that Chaos. As we are in this Universe and the universe can’t completely erase its irregularities, hence, we can’t deny the fact that everyone has experienced or is experiencing some kind of Chaos. Okay, okay! From all these facts about disorderliness and mental illness, what exactly we can conclude is that no one in the universe is perfect (as the universe itself is a form of imperfection) and we all have to deal with mental aspects at least at some point of time in our lives. So, How shall we deal with that? Again the answer is in the Universe itself! If the universe gave us this Chaotic mind then it is also showing a way to deal with it. I’ve already mentioned how the Universe uses entropy to grow. Yes, we can also make use of the same concept. We can use that turmoil screaming in our head, positively. It will surely not be so easy, but it’s not impossible though. So, what say fellas! Let’s use our imperfections to make us perfect. Let’s live amazingly in this ‘Ordered’ Chaos!

PS: I’m not sure whether I dealt with the topic of mental aspects and mental chaos properly, but whatever I’ve written is factual and may help some people. Apologies, if it was too confusing! Thanks to the people who helped and supported me in “Shaping Chaos!”




Put ‘Fun’ in Funeral |Creative Writer✍🖊 | Mech. Engineer | Selenophile