We are the Senzils!
Doctor, who is that guy?” She asked, pointing at Irle! Dr. smiled and said, “Oh, Cianne, he’s a regular patient. Glad you are back here Irle, there are some things I want to tell you. This is a very dear friend, Cianne. Say Hi to her.”
So here is what happened in those 3–4 hours
“Irle, Come with me. Let’s take a walk. We will be back Cianne.” The doctor came out of her room and caressed Irle’s head.
“So Irle, What’s your age, now?” asked Shivley.
“I guess you already know it. You were there at my b’day party with my brother. Okay fine! I just turned 18 last week.”
“Where are your parents?”, she smirked.
“I don’t know what you’ll get from this. You know everything, don’t you?”
“Just answer the question, dear. Think of this as a counseling session.”
Irle was a little confused by her words and actions. They were obnoxious to Irle. Yet he started to answer those unusually usual questions.
“My parents died in a terrorist attack after I turned 10 years old.” he sighed.
“When did you come here? To Jaipur.”
“It’s when I started going to college, two years back and when my little brother turned 13. Before you ask me the question about the reason we shifted from Ajmer to Jaipur, about which you already know everything. My Maamu, with whom we used to live, passed away. That’s why you, being a family friend, have asked us to shift here, to your empty apartment.
“I can see that you are anxious now. You never talk much. It’s always your brother, Arian, who talks. It’s fine. Stay calm now! Now, tell me who takes care of you here.”
He took a deep breath and answered “It’s you. But technically, it’s Madam Gee. Thanks for helping us, Dr. Shivley.”
“It’s my pleasure dear. Now it’s time for you to know more about your parents.” There was a lot of seriousness in her voice. Irle’s face was cheered up. Finally, he is getting to know about the people who are responsible for his birth. She continued, “Your name is Irle Vink and your mother, Saryn Vink is my best friend. We both met at college. Those days were beautiful and I still remember every bit of them. She was a nerd and I met her as my roommate. Believe me, we both used to hate each other initially. She once shared her interest in Myths and magic-related things. That changed everything, we turned from blood-thirst enemies to boundless BFFs. The same year she fell in love with a boy named Axel. Axel Senzil, my cousin, is your father and boyfriend of my bestie. We three were the most famous trio in our college. Later your mom got selected as a research student in IISc, Bengaluru. Without compromising our ambitions and goals, we decided that we would stay very near to each other. Hence, I chose to study at the Center of Neuroscience, which is very near to IISc. Your father wanted to study in the field of Engineering and got admitted to R V College of Banglore. They both were hopeless lovers. But also they were both great scientists. Your mom asked me not to inform you of any of this till you turn 18. That’s why I or Gee have never responded to you properly whenever you questioned your parents or me and why I’m helping you. But now I can help you completely. Ask boy, what you want to know… ask.” Shivley’s eyes were already watery while she was explaining about her, Axel’s, and Saryn’s friendship.
It was very strange for Irle. He always thought Shivley wanted to control them and had some other intentions in her mind and that’s why she was helping them. But now knowing she is his Mother’s best friend and his blood relative, his aunt, he feels so bad for himself for not trusting Shivley. His heart started beating loud and he was almost about to cry. He was sobbing and took a deep breath again to calm himself. He looked into her eyes and tried to find her mother and father. It’s really hard for him to ask anything now, yet he clears his throat. “Shivley… So, You are my Aunt! Is it fine, if I call you Shivley, Doctor?”, he asked, still sobbing.
“Sure boy, you can call me Shivley. After all, We are the Senzils!” She smiled with a smirk.
“You said they were scientists. Is this all anything to do with their death or recent weird dreams of Arian?” Irle is in utter turmoil and he felt the same kind of random headache he felt before he came to Shivley. He thought about that lady who was explaining her tragedy to Shivley when he entered the hospital. From that pain, he remembers what they were talking about. He suspected something wasn’t right and he asked, “Wait, who are you talking with, back there in your cabin? What was she talking about? How can you help her? I can feel something is not right here. What’s happening with my head?” The pain increased and he couldn’t help himself. He screamed. Darkness approached him and he fainted on the floor.
He opened his eyes and he was held captive in some strange place. It’s like someone was experimenting on him. He tried to get up but he couldn’t, he observed metal clamps around his waist and wrists. He took a deep breath and thought somehow he could break that metal clamp. He tried again and this time everything around him started to change, even the timers around him were fluctuating. Suddenly, those clamps broke. It’s just like what he thought. He started to search for who kidnapped him. He could see Shivley’s bag kept on another table in the room. There is a camera at the corner of the wall and beside his bed, there are some chemicals in a few bottles. He felt absolute fear and just wanted to escape from there. He searched in his pocket for his mobile. He couldn’t find any of his belongings in his pocket. He observed a clock there and it’s almost more than 3 hours since he has been unconscious. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He said to himself, It’s all just a dream, just like Arian. I’m also in some weird dreams.
Further continuation (After those 3–4 hours)…
Irle was in a Mental Chaos. Irle pinched himself and confirmed that it was not the dream. All these random things, full of skepticism, are happening for REAL. But he couldn’t console himself and he started to scream with anxiety. But somehow he managed to keep himself calm and tried not to lose courage. Suddenly he could hear whispers and footsteps. Someone was approaching the door and opened it. It was Shivley, she entered while she was talking to someone on the phone.
She looked and was shocked to see that the metal clamps were unmounted already. She declined the call and started to talk with him, “Oh, dear! You still look stressed. Are you fine now? You had some psychic attack I guess. I know you have many questions in your mind, it’s fine just be calm now.”
“What’s happening with me? Where am I?”
“There are many things you are not aware of. I’ll give you all the details. Currently, you are under observation. Just stay quiet and keep calm!!”
He was able to sense something. It’s like he is sensing some feelings, but those aren’t his feelings. He observed Shivley and then he got to know that they were Shivley’s feelings. He can sense that she is worried. He can sense her fear, her anxiety. It’s like he is reading her mind, but not exactly what she is thinking, rather he is sensing other people’s feelings. He was now confused again. He asked Shivley, “I want to go out. I just want to talk to Arian. Why am I held captive?”
“You are not a prisoner. Yet, I won’t let you go now. You have to stay here. Believe me! It’s all for your…”
“So I’m a prisoner but not a prisoner. I’m able to sense you! You are hiding something, I’m feeling viciousness and agony but it’s not my feelings.”, he interrupted.
“What! You… I…”
She is fumbling. It’s like someone is making her stay stiff. She is unable to move any of her body parts. It’s like sudden paralysis and she is not responding. Just standing there and doing nothing. But, Irle got to know there was something exceptionally atypical and he analyzed that he can somehow recognize others’ emotions.
“What’s it? What’s happening to you”, Irle was surprised to see a sudden change in her commanding behavior to pleasure. He can now sense her joy. “What happened, Shivley? Why are you smiling and… not moving, like you are in a happy dream? Wait, are you dreaming? Are you daydreaming?”
Suddenly, he was able to sense some other emotions and he was sure that it was a different feeling and it was not even from Shivley. He was sensing swiftness and panic. He had been looking around the room because he was aware of someone’s presence near him. Then he heard someone calling his name. “Irle…”, it was a very familiar voice. He looked at the door of that lab room and was astonished.
Who was calling Irle? What do you think will happen next? Hope is enjoying these stories. Thank you, ;)