What’s this, some ‘Dark-Spectrum Ball’?

Continued from the last story…

3 min readJul 23, 2023

He got to know that Irle was dreaming something, so he tried to peek into his subconscious. Arian saw a location that he felt he had seen already, but he wasn’t sure where and what that location was. He stepped into Irle’s dream, it was very calm, full of peace at noon.

Two people trying to connect or reach out. Only hands are shown here and the hands appear to create some kind of greyish-blue spectrum field, which is forming a ball kind of structure and have tint of pink in it. The internal whirlpool can be seen with another set of hands reaching out (Hands from ‘Creation of Adam’).
.. what’s this, is it just a weird dream? Give me your hand!

He remembers that place, it’s their cottage in Ajmer. Then he heard giggles, Irle was playing with Arian along with their cat. He remembers that day, it was Irle’s 10th birthday. It was indeed a happy day and a happy place. But he only remembers it in chunks. There is his Dad, drinking tea with their Maamu. He went inside the house, in the kitchen Madam Gee was cooking food, along with his mom. They were talking about someone, someone who was arriving that evening for a birthday party. It was all perfect, at least it seems to be. He then heard someone sobbing. He followed the familiar voice and climbed the stairs. It was their room, the room that he hardly remembers. Irle was there, but that was 16-year-old Irle. He looked at the whole room, it was all dark outside and it was their room at Ajmer before they shifted. He was just not sure what to do but moved forward to calm his big bro. As soon as he goes near Irle, he experiences some strange field around him that is repulsing Arian. Irle looks at Arian, he asks, “How come you are here?” “What’s this Irle, I’m not getting it. Are you okay? Why are you asking me, why am I here? It’s your dream, isn’t it?” “This is a recurring memory of mine and it’s the first time I’m seeing you in here and I don’t know, there are many things I’m not understanding. Are we talking for real, what’s this, is it just a weird dream? Give me your hand!”

As soon as he tried to reach Arian, he also felt some repulsive force. It’s like something not letting them go near each other. But Arian moved with all the strength he had to reach his hand. Both of them repelled in opposite directions and suddenly everything at Arian’s side was completely dark and Irle’s side was flashing brightly. Everything around them, the room, the cottage, and the whole place just vanished, leaving just them. When Irle still tried to come near Arian, he experienced some strange visions and Arian was feeling a bunch of emotions. “What’s this Arian?” Irle asked him while he saw visions of them together with their cat flashing with another vision with their Maamu and parents. “I don’t know, maybe some of it’s our mind, our intellect. I’m experiencing very different emotions here like I’m unhappy, I’m angry…” “So it’s kinda like ‘Space of Intellect.’ I guess our minds are deeply interconnected, somehow! Hold Me! something’s pulling me.” Suddenly, in the real world, the hands of boys started to emit strange lights from them. Arian was Lighting pink-blue colors towards Irle viz, Irle was emitting Grayscale shades. It’s like they both are creating some power together. Madam Gee had no idea what was happening and she was trying to wake Arian. While in the ‘Space of Intellect’, they are like reciprocating each other’s intellectual fields. As soon as their hands meet, they both push back so hard that they become conscious again. In the physical world, their hands created some strange crystal of light and dark that was about to blast. Gee had already stopped the car and was shouting, “What you guys are doing? What’s this, some ‘Dark-Spectrum Ball’? They both were in Surprise seeing that, and not knowing what to do they shot it out of the window. It hit an under-construction building and it collapsed within minutes! It was a disaster but no one was hurt as there wasn’t anyone in there. They all took breaths of relief. Then they soon reached the airport where they were surprised to see Shivley who was holding some weird device towards them.

Will Be Continued…

I’m writing these stories in a timely fashion. Because, I want it to be an experiment, where my stories will grow along with me and my changing perspectives. The story series is building into something, I hope you all will like it. Comment your views and stay tuned!




Written by Ina😉

Put ‘Fun’ in Funeral |Creative Writer✍🖊 | Mech. Engineer | Selenophile

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